This week we continue learning about the Kirkpatrick levels to create quizzes and evaluate the knowledge of our learners. In the Level 2, the quizzes created will gather data about the completion of the learning goals.

I included a Knowledge Check to assess the end of the Module 1 following the recommendation of questions for Kirkpatrick Level 2.

Learning goals

Course Learning OutcomesModule Learning Objectives
CLO1: Summarize the benefits of the small group instruction compared with the whole group instructionIdentify the purpose of small instruction answering correctly more than 80% in a Knowledge Check. (It aligns with CLO1)
CLO4: Design and facilitate lesson plans for small group instruction with a Content Language Objective.Compare the benefits of small and whole group instruction participating in a post discussion online and answering to 2 peers’ posts. (It aligns with CLO1)
Describe the structure of a small group lesson creating a draft of a future lesson as an assignment. (It aligns with CLO4)


The Module 1 is divided in 3 topics and the Knowledge Check. You can access the Module 1 content in the Canvas LMS.

Here is the information to access the Module 1:

  • CanvasLog in here first!
  • Email:
  • Password: IDT400xstudent
  • User name: GoshornIDT400xstudent
question mark on chalk board

The learner will be able to interact with the following features:

  • Read an article in an external link.
  • Submit assignment answering 2 questions about the articule read.
  • Group discussion: submit a post and comment at least 2 peer’s posts.
  • Download template (Google doc) for a lesson plan recommendation.
  • Submit assignment with a lesson plan for a small group using the previous template. The learner will be given two different options: upload a file or type the response in the LMS.

Knowledge Check

For the assessment of Module 1, in addition of the group discussion and the 2 assignments (essays), I included an end of the module Knowledge Check to evaluate if the learners are mastering the learning goals.

I designed an assessments aligned with the content and the article included in the Module 1. These are the characteristics of the Knowledge Check:

  • 10 Questions (Each correct answer is 1 point).
  • Maximum of 3 attempts per question.
  • Variety of the questions: true/false, multiple choice, multiple answers, matching, fill in the blank.
  • Unlimited time.
  • They need at least 8 points to pass (80%).
  • Remediation: the learner will get feedback to their correct/incorrect questions that will support their knowledge of the learning content.
  • Instructions included at the beginning to clarify expectations.
schoolchild solving elementary science test


I enjoyed creating a new Kirkpatrick Level 2 survey in Canvas after my first experience last week designing a Kirkpatrick Level 1 satisfaction survey. I had to be sure that I was including different types of questions to keep the learner engaged and adapt to different needs of learning.

Since the purpose of the Kirkpatrick Level 2 quizzes are assessing the learner’s knowledge, I reviewed the content and make sure that I included in the answers, all the important content that will support the final Course Learning Outcome.

In Canvas, you are able to check the results of all your learners in the Gradebook. Depending on the results, as an Instructional Designer, you can modify the questions and the level of complexity if most of your students are not passing the test. I am planning to include a survey at the end of the course to evaluate the satisfaction of the learners regarding the assessments.

In the future, in order to promote an equitable access to learning, I would like to explore how to include the translation of the questions into different languages or include an audio or text to speech feature for those learners with disabilities.